Category: General Foreign exchange health check

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Foreign exchange health check


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On  Tuesday 19 September the Chamber patrons and RationalFX invite you to attend a foreign exchange health check. This will take place at the Upper Orangery room, Ramada Park Hall Hotel, Wolverhampton.

RationalFX will better your currency rates with 50% discount against your current provider. With no transaction fee charges, the savings could be significant. Furthermore, Chamber members who haven't used RationalFX will get 50% off SPOT and forward transactions based on the margin charged by your current provider. This will be assessed during the foreign exchange health check.

As a foreign exchange provider, RationalFX:

  • Have transferred in excess of $10bn to 173 coutnries in 48 currencies
  • Are FCA Authorised
  • Have client funds held at Barclays bank
  • Are members of SWIFT
  • Have offices located in London, Birmingham, France and Spain

To qualify please bring your last two currency transactions with the date and time quoted to assess how much margin your current provider charges.

For more information on RationalFX click here

Venue :The Upper Orangery room, Ramada Park Hall Hotel, Park Drive, Goldthorn Park, Wolverhampton,  WV4 5AJ

If you would like to attend, you can follow this link to register

The Upper Orangery room, Ramada Park Hall Hotel
Park Drive
Goldthorn Park
Wolverhampton, WV4 5AJ

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