Category: General Fresh Perspectives; Managing a diverse workforce

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Fresh Perspectives; Managing a diverse workforce


Aston 4 AI9

Promote cohesion in a period of particular uncertainty

In an age in which organisations are more diverse than ever, Andrew will discuss how leaders can adapt and refocus in a changing environment with new challenges.

Andrew will share insights gleaned from research focused on some of the most stressful and high-pressure jobs in the world, emergency room doctors, astronauts, submarine crews, and apply them to the challenges of the modern, diverse workforce.

Drawing on his experience in designing training for high-stress team scenarios, including NASA, the U.S Army, and Navy, along with his own research on diversity in organisations, he will present attendees with practical and useful advice.

Attendees will learn best practices and strategies to manage diverse teams and promote teamwork and cohesion in a period of particular uncertainty and stress.

Venue: Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET

FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham, B4 7ET

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