Businesses: have your say in Sandwell

Sandwell Council is reaching out to residents and businesses, and asking for help to make Sandwell the best it can be.

The council wants to nurture an inclusive economy. This is a local economy which:

Sandwell Inclusive Economy logo* Benefits everyone
* Builds on the strengths of our community
* Sees wealth more evenly spread
* Ensures no one is left behind
* Invites everyone to contribute.

Think Sandwell is urging businesses, as well as residents and community organisations, in the borough to tell Sandwell Council their priorities. Please complete this short survey to help develop the ‘Inclusive Economy Deal’.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Yvonne Davies, is urging people to take part.

“We want to make Sandwell a better place for everyone with no one left behind,” she said.

“Our residents, businesses and partners have a huge role to play. The deal can’t happen without people who live and work in the borough. We need all of us to help make it a reality.”

As part of the survey you are asked to make a pledge, big or small, to boost our borough. This could be anything – from buying your workplace stationery locally to providing apprenticeships to local people.

Councillor Bob Lloyd, cabinet member for Inclusive Economic Growth said: “By filling in the survey, you’ll help us understand what matters to you, what you want to improve about Sandwell and how you might be willing to help us do that.

“Once we have your feedback, we will set out a shared agreement that will make our borough stronger, sustainable and more prosperous.”

We will keep you posted on the results!

You can take the survey here: