Make sure your Sandwell business is Covid-secure

Sandwell Council is working with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to check businesses have Covid-secure measures in place, in order to tackle the spread of coronavirus in our borough.

A blue sign with the text "Please keep your distance" and a male and female symbol in white with an arrow in between themHSE is also working alongside local public health authorities to further understanding about patterns in confirmed coronavirus cases.

Please be aware that spot checks will begin from Monday 15 March. During the checks businesses will get advice and guidance to manage risk and protect workers, customers and visitors. In cases where businesses are not managing this, immediate action will be taken.

Being Covid-secure means that businesses need to make adjustments to manage risks and protect workers and others from coronavirus.

Councillor Maria Crompton, deputy leader of Sandwell Council, said: “These spot checks with the Health and Safety Executive will help us to identify work with businesses to make sure they have to correct measures in place to stop the spread of Covid-19.

“Becoming Covid-secure needs to be the priority for all businesses in Sandwell, it is a legal duty for businesses to protect their workers and others from harm and this includes taking reasonable steps to control the risk and protect people from coronavirus.

“All businesses are in scope for spot checks which means businesses of any size, in any sector can receive an unannounced check to ensure they are Covid-secure.”

For information on how to manage the risk of coronavirus in different business sectors, see the government guidance on ‘Working safely during coronavirus‘ and the HSE’s pages on ‘Making your workplace Covid-secure during the coronavirus pandemic‘. You can also contact Environmental Health at Sandwell Council for advice.

If you have two or more cases of Covid-19 in your workplace you must contact Sandwell Council’s Public Health team at

We also encourage you to attend this webinar especially for Sandwell businesses on Friday 26 March, to discuss the government roadmap out of lockdown and share best practice as we emerge from the pandemic.

Visit our coronavirus support pages for Sandwell businesses.