Commonwealth Games catering contracts up for grabs

A polished silver tea urn next to a white jug and some piles of cups and saucers on a table with a basket of fruit in the backgroundThe search is on to find suppliers to meet nearly £5m of catering contracts for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

One of the mission statements for the Games is to “help the region to grow and succeed”, and awarding contracts locally is just one of the ways that’s happening. The catering contracts alone are expected to support around two thousand jobs.

The current opportunities to tender include catering services at a number of venues and fan zones, providing food and drink to spectators, athletes, officials, volunteers and staff. The Games committee is looking for suppliers with experience of delivering high quality operations with excellent customer service alongside social value initiatives that support the local community. To find out more about social value and what it means for tenders, visit the Think Sandwell page.

The procurement process is now open, and interested businesses should apply via the online portal. You will need to complete a selection questionnaire, with invitations to submit initial bids timetabled for April 2021. The final tenders will be in May 2021, and the contracts will be awarded in the summer of 2021.

Think Sandwell strongly encourages local catering companies to submit a selection questionnaire, and to not miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For general help and advice on procurement and tendering, visit our Business Services pages.