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Property expertise

How do I get support with finding, buying or renting premises for my Sandwell business?

Are you looking to buy or rent commercial property in Sandwell, West Midlands (it’s a great move, by the way)? Think Sandwell is here to help.

Property expertise banner with Think Sandwell logo and photo of shiny empty warehouse

Talk to Think Sandwell

Buying or renting property involves big decisions for any business owner. It’s important that the right people are on hand to help you achieve your desired outcomes. We’re here to help you avoid making the expensive mistakes that many businesses make and find the Sandwell property that suits your needs.

Commercial property includes many types of property, such as offices, retail premises, hotels, warehouses and garages. Explore Sandwell Council’s Land and property pages, or contact us for informal advice today

This page was last updated in September 2022. 
