A4123 Birchley Island / M5 Junction 2 Improvement – We want your views

Sandwell Council is developing a scheme for Birchley island, the junction of the A4123 and A4034, which also has a short link road to M5 junction 2. The need for improvements at the island has been highlighted for a number of years and the scheme is identified as a key priority in the Black Country Core Strategy, by the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership and the Highways Agency.

The attached leaflet provides more information on:

  • why the junction needs to be altered
  • the four options being consulted upon
  • how views can be given on the proposals
  • what will happen next with the development of the project.

We would be grateful if you could complete the online response form by visiting www.sandwell.gov.uk/birchleyisland. You can either complete the form as an individual who uses Birchley island to make private journeys (such as commuting, shopping etc) or as the representative of an organisation/business that uses the island. You can also give your views by submitting Facebook and Twitter comments.

We need to receive your views by Friday 25th April 2014.

If you require any further information please contact.

Andy Thorpe – Senior Transportation Planner

T: 0121 569 4261