Enhanced funding for higher apprenticeships

Are you an employer funding employees through their professional development and funding qualifications such as AAT, HNC, CIM (etc)?

Did you know you may be better off doing this as part of a higher apprenticeship?

There is currently enhanced funding available for Black Country higher apprenticeships, which will be ending soon. Don’t miss out!

The Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (BCLEP) and Skills Factory are joining forces with the Skills Funding Agency to highlight the business benefits of higher apprenticeships to employers at a breakfast event this May.

The event to be held on Wednesday 20 May 2015 is aimed at helping employers gain impartial information and advice about apprenticeships in the Black Country, and to discover what funding support is available when progressing apprentices onto higher levels (i.e. L3 to L4 or L4 to L5 etc).

The deadline for applications for current enhanced funding towards higher apprenticeships closes on 31 July 2015. Anyone who is thinking of progressing their apprentice(s) to the next level or is supporting the development of their employees onto a professional qualification should attend this event.

The breakfast will be held at the Village Hotel in Dudley from 7:45-9:30am and is FREE to attend for employers from any sector of the Black Country.

The session will be introduced by Stewart Towe, Chairman of the BCLEP, and will cover:

  • A presentation from a Black Country employer who offers higher apprenticeships, including best practice advice on how apprenticeships have impacted their company
  • The technicalities and business benefits of higher apprenticeships
  • More information on the funding opportunities available
  • Where to find independent information on higher apprenticeships in the Black Country
  • A Q&A session with a panel of employers from different sectors of the Black Country including: engineering, health, IT, science, business services and management.

Local higher apprenticeship providers will also be on hand to answer employer questions and there will also be the opportunity to network with companies from across the Black Country.

Parking at the venue is free and a breakfast selection will be available on arrival.

Register to attend by email: bookings@blackcountryskillsfactory.co.uk or call the Skills Factory team on 01384 471163
