Closure of Business Growth Service: what next for Black Country businesses?

As you may have heard, the goveBusiness Growth Servicernment has decided to wind down the national delivery of the Business Growth Service.

On Thursday 26 November 2015 the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) issued a formal instruction to providers of the Business Growth Service:

* Not to enter into any further contractual commitments with customers after 23.59pm on Monday 30 November
* That all contractual commitments should be honoured, as long as all support and related activity is completed by Thursday 31 March 2016.

With the Business Growth Service incorporating the highly popular Manufacturing Advisory Service and GrowthAccelerator, we know this news may come as a blow for many firms in our region.

Here at Think Sandwell we’re committed to bringing you up-to-date news of alternative support, funding and growth opportunities when they become available. Do tell us how you think the closure of the Business Growth Service may affect your business so we can – where possible – address gaps in your support or find other solutions: contact us today or join in our discussion on LinkedIn.