Black Country Business Attitudes toward the European Union

The University of Wolverhampton, in conjunction with the West Midlands Economic Forum, CBI, Federation of Small Businesses, Black Country Chamber and the Black Country Consortium, have been asked by Margot James MP to canvas the opinions of Black Country business on the UKs membership of the European Union and on the proposed reforms to the UK’s relationship with the EU.



Opinions are being gathered through an attitudes survey which is being made available to all businesses in the Black Country electronically, via an online survey, over the telephone and through the post. The survey will be available throughout February and should take no more than eight minutes to complete. Responses will be treated confidentially and the results of the survey will be anonymised.


The survey has been designed to gather the views and attitudes of businesses objectively and without any political bias. The review has cross-party support and is intended to inform rather than influence future debate. The results of the survey are due to published on Friday 18 March.

If you need any further information on the survey, please contact the West Midlands Economic Forum on: or 07703 735408