Black Country LEP to showcase investment opportunities at international property market expo

1152SU-meet-us-at-mipim-2016-article_headerThe Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Invest Black Country will be exhibiting at MIPIM 2016, a four day property expo taking place in Cannes, France from 15 to 18 March.

MIPIM brings together representatives from all international property sectors – office, residential, retail, healthcare, sport, logistics and industrial. It offers access to a large number of development projects and sources of capital worldwide across four days of networking, learning and transactions.

The Black Country LEP and Invest Black Country team will be exhibiting at MIPIM 2016 as part of the Greater Birmingham delegation. The event will be used as a platform to launch a variety of development opportunities within the region.

Invest Black Country is the inward investment organisation for the Black Country LEP, working with businesses looking to relocate or expand, with a particular focus on the manufacturing sector. It offers support packages including economic and marketing intelligence, recruitment support, commercial property services, access to finance, and ‘Meet the Buyer’ events to help businesses develop their supply chains and access new opportunities.

Invest Black Country also provides support for established businesses through the Black Country Growth Hub, which offers events, drop-in sessions and business services.

Speaking about MIPIM 2016, Tom Westley, the Black Country LEP lead for the Enterprise Zone, said:

“Greater Birmingham’s MIPIM 2016 delegation will be its biggest yet, demonstrating how the region’s investment potential has gained real momentum and remains highly competitive. Delegates will be able to learn about a significant range of opportunities in the Black Country, from our Enterprise Zone to the significant investment in Wolverhampton City Centre, which includes additional retail space, commercial opportunities as well as creating new homes. For the Black Country MIPIM is a fundamental opportunity to make new industry connections and stimulate investor interest.”

To arrange to meet the Black Country LEP team at MIPIM 2016 and to view the events programme please visit

To keep up-to-date with the Black Country LEP and Invest Black Country team during MIPIM follow them on Twitter (@blackcountrylep and @invest_bc).