250 new homes for Sandwell at former landfill site

ID-10078481An application to build 250 new homes on a former landfill site in West Bromwich has been submitted to Sandwell Council.

Outline planning consent for the 49.4 acre site to the north of Hall Green Road in Stone Cross was granted in April 2014 but detailed proposals will go before Sandwell Council’s planning committee next week.

The proposals include a mix of starter homes and larger family homes, as well as a public open space that will run throughout the development. Developer Mar City Homes bought the land in April 2015 and carried out work to rid it of chemicals that had seeped into the ground over the past 50 years.

In the 1950s the site was a sand and gravel quarry and it was later used for landfill, contaminated by oils and chemicals. Inspection of the land revealed that it was not constructed properly to receive wastes and few records existed as to what was actually dumped there. Developers Mar City Homes carried out remedial work in 2015 to make the land safe for new development.

Mar City Homes is currently consulting with local residents on the finer details for the proposals but the proposed development of high-quality two, three, four and five-bed houses would enhance the appearance of the area as well as providing much-needed housing in Sandwell.

[‘Blueprint with compass’ image supplied by: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/]