Category: General GetSet for a curry & drink - Networking lunch For business

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GetSet for a curry & drink - Networking lunch For business


Black Country Growth Hub_Narrow

Come along on the first Wednesday of each month for the chance to mingle over a curry and a drink by taking part in this informal business networking event. Spaces are limited so make sure you book your place.

GetSet for Growth is a specialist service supporting businesses with the potential and ambition to grow, thanks to funding from the Regional Growth Fund. GetSet focuses on helping businesses overcome the two biggest barriers to growth – generating sufficient profitable customers and accessing finance.

The range of highly rated workshops, masterclasses and 1:1 support will increase your knowledge and skills, and give you the clarity, focus and confidence to achieve your growth potential. Over 1,000 businesses around the country have already benefitted from support and accessed almost £3 million of growth finance.

The events are fully funded and open to all local businesses; however you will need to complete the registration and enrolment forms in order to participate. To complete these online prior to attending visit the website or alternatively, please turn up to your chosen event fifteen minutes early to finalise in person.

Venue: The Vine Roebuck St, West Bromwich B70 6RD

Cost: £10 per person

You can register to attend here

The Vine
Roebuck Street
West Bromwich , B70 6RD

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