Healthy staff, healthy business

sandwell_mbc_colSickness absence is estimated to cost the UK economy over £10 billion every year, with an estimated 140 million working days lost. Even when ill employees struggle in to work, reduced performance can still have a negative effect on business.

With a growing and ageing population, unhealthy lifestyles and a rise in the number of chronic conditions, people in Sandwell are living longer than ever, but in poorer health. Businesses have great influence over the lives of their staff and customers and have a crucial role to play in encouraging people to make healthier choices.

As the public become increasingly health conscious, offering healthier products can increase a company’s market share. Healthier employees are happier employees, and employee happiness is intrinsically linked to productivity and revenue. Improving wellbeing plays an important part in helping to generate jobs and growth.

Sandwell Council’s Public Health Department is keen to engage with local businesses to understand how it can best support and assist businesses to maintain a healthier workforce and work place, whilst also improving productivity and reducing the costs of sickness absence.

Think Sandwell fully supports this drive to improve the wellbeing of our region and encourages anyone with innovative ideas about how products and services could be reformulated or promoted to encourage healthier outcomes to get involved. If you would like to contribute to the ongoing discussion please email

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