Category: General Black Country breakfast morning networking event

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Black Country breakfast morning networking event


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The Business Solutions Centres (BSCs), brought to you by the University of Wolverhampton, provide a collaborative and innovative approach to improving business performance and are designed to make a positive economic impact on the region by offering practical business support.

BSCs offer start-up businesses and established companies in the Midlands and beyond, with a single point of access to a wide range of events, workshops, business facilities, professional advisory services, consultancy and innovation support.

The event will be a morning networking session for Made in the Midlands members and a host of local manufacturing and engineering companies.

The event schedule is as following:

  • Arrive at 9:30 am for networking, tea, coffee and breakfast
  • Welcome from Made in the Midlands
  • Short presentation from the host and factory tour
  • Sixty second pitch from all attendees to showcase your company, highlighting areas for collaboration within the group.
  • Further networking.

Breakfast morning networking events have become very popular. Please make sure you have booked your tickets early. These events are a great chance to meet Made in the Midlands members, MD's and CEO's of the manufacturing businesses in the Midlands area.

Venue: Wolverhampton Business Solutions Centre, University of Wolverhampton Science Park, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton, WV10 9RT

FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Wolverhampton Business Solutions Centre, University of Wolve
Glaisher Drive
Wolverhampton, WV10 9RT

More information

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