Quarterly Economic Survey: can you help?


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The Black Country Chamber of Commerce is currently in the fieldwork period for its Quarterly Economic Survey for Q3 (the third quarter) of 2017, which runs until the end of the working day on Monday 11 September 2017.

In essence, the QES is an economic indicator that charts business performance and confidence throughout the region.

Published in advance of official economic statistics and other private surveys, it consistently mirrors trends in the national economy. For this reason the survey itself, along with others throughout the British Chambers Network, is closely watched by policymakers in government, the Bank of England and by local and national media. 

The survey itself takes less than three minutes to complete and helps the Chamber to lobby government for the changes needed to make the Black Country a better place to do business.

Here’s a link to where it can be found: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YJPZK7V

The Chamber assures you that all responses will be treated with the strictest of confidence.