Category: General Making the business case for responsible business

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Making the business case for responsible business


Birmingham University

On Thursday 9 November University of Birmingham invite you to attend an event where  the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business in partnership with the Living Wage Foundation to help you understand how your business can benefit from working responsibly. This will be held at the conference room in Birmingham Research Park.

With experts in their fields leading café style conversations, you will have the opportunity to question and learn exactly how your business can gain insight in:

- Integrated challenges facing Birmingham and the implications for business - John Bryson, Professor of Enterprise & Competitiveness

- Working in Partnership with the University of Birmingham to achieve results - Andy Newnham, Business Engagement Partner

- Measuring your impact - tbc, New Economics Foundation

- Designing flexible jobs & developing a diverse workforce - Martha Crawford, Good Jobs Campaign, Citizens UK

- Understanding Value of the Living Wage - Amy Hulme, Living Wage Foundation

Venue: Birmingham Research Park, Vincent Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2SQ

Free to attend

If you would like to attend, you can follow this link to register

Birmingham Research Park
Vincent Drive
Birmingham, B15 2SQ

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