Category: General Business development seminar: Social media and customer analytics

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Business development seminar: Social media and customer analytics


Enterprise Action event-1

On Thurdsday 23 November  Enterprise Action invite you to attend a seminar at SP/ACE for Enterprise, PA105, Technology Centre, Wolverhampton.

They will take you through how to use simple analytical approaches to identify growth opportunities for your business. The workshop will also cover the principles of how to research your market and understand what makes you unique so you can stand out from your competition.

Venue: SP/ACE for Enterprise, PA105, Technology Centre, Wolverhampton Science Park, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton, WV10 9RU

Free to attend

If you would like to attend, you can follow this link to register

SP/ACE for Enterprise, PA105, Technology Centre
Wolverhampton Science Park
Glaisher Drive
Wolverhampton, WV10 9RU

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