It’s a double celebration for Sandwell soft drinks maker

Purity Soft drink story imageWednesbury-based firm Purity Soft Drinks has reported an increase in sales during the last financial year – despite a fall in profits – as well as securing a new deal to stock its drinks in Tesco.

Purity Soft Drinks makes brands JuiceBurst and Firefly. School-approved JuiceBurst fruit drinks contain no added sugar and claim to count as one of your five a day. Firefly drinks are juice drinks boosted with various botanical extracts aimed more at adults.

Tesco will stock both JuiceBurst and Firefly, and parent-company Purity has been accepted onto Tesco’s ‘Incubator’ mentoring scheme, which offers support to small businesses to help them develop and grow.

Purity Soft Drinks is a private equity-backed business that has been based in Wednesbury since 1892. Until now it has only supplied outlets in the West Midlands with its products but the Tesco deal will see its drinks stocked nationally.

The company has recently reported an increase in turnover from £18.5m to £19.8m for the year to 31 March 2017. However, during the same period pre-tax profits fell from £1.3m to £928,961.

The decline in profit has been explained by the company as the impact of the Brexit vote on currency and further investment into growing its brands. A statement issued by the Purity board stated: “”The period under review delivered continued strong sales growth for JuiceBurst across all sales channels. The growth was delivered through a combination of organic and new customer growth.”

It continued by explaining that during the period the JuiceBurst brand had received further investment in its sales and marketing in order to accelerate distribution and boost consumer awareness.

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