Government announces multi million pound skills investment

DfE logoUp to £69m could be unlocked for upskilling and retraining in the West Midlands, in a new deal between the Department for Education and the West Midlands Combined Authority.

The aim of the scheme is to get more young people and adults into work through improving digital and technical ability in the region. Hundreds of new apprenticeships will be created in construction, automotive and digital SMEs, alongside a National Retraining Scheme pilot, developed with employers.

Millions will also be invested in colleges, educational technology and careers advice for young people, including the establishment of a new careers hub.

Skills development is a major concern for businesses in the West Midlands and the deal was welcomed by mayor Andy Street as a means to boost productivity in the region. Education secretary Damian Hinds also highlighted the need to improve digital skills, which are in high demand in emerging sectors such as cyber security.

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