Black Country Business Festival is back

Black Country Business Festival is back! Following the success of last year’s festival, the Black Country Chamber of Commerce is hoping that this year’s event will be even bigger and better than ever.

Did you take part last year in any of the free events held throughout the Black Country during the festival? The Think Sandwell team was delighted to host or lead six events at Sandwell Business Solutions Centre, bringing more than 125 local business people together for valuable networking and knowledge-sharing in areas that included GDPR, marketing and tendering.

This year’s two-week business festival is taking place from 13 – 24 May. There will be hundreds of free business events going on throughout the Black Country, all held by local businesses. Would you like to host an event to showcase your business?

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce is encouraging as many local businesses as possible to get involved, as hosting an event will not only benefit your business but it will also play a part in the wider efforts to shine a light on the Black Country as a great place to do business.

The aim of the festival is to benefit the people and businesses in the Black Country by helping business growth and by drawing attention to the region. The festival is a fantastic way to demonstrate the Black Country’s strengths, innovation, commerce, culture and huge investment potential to the rest of the world.

Last year’s festival played host to many different types of event, including conferences, seminars, plant tours, comedy nights, race days, expos, workshops, demonstrations, showcases, networking sessions and debates. The events covered a huge range of subjects, engaging with new and traditional industries, with over 4,200 attendees in total.

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Black Country Chamber of Commerce, said of last year’s festival: “I am so proud of the way that the whole of the Black Country has got involved in the festival. It’s been a mind-blowing fortnight that has exceeded all expectations.

“The Business Festival is one of our first initiatives to reinforce our new ambition to become more modern and easily accessible to local businesses, so they can access the support they need to thrive. It has been a great example of our business community coming together to champion the local area and we want to continue to work with businesses that understand their role in the local community, their supply chain and their responsibility to their workforce.

“The 122 registered events seamlessly reflected of the strengths of the Black Country’s colourful sectorial and economy, providing an unparalleled showcase of the region’s fantastic innovation, commerce and culture.”

If you are interested in becoming a part of the region’s largest business event email or call 01902 912 304. For more information visit The deadline to apply to host an event is Monday 4 March 2019.