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Energy saving for businesses

Isolated green leaf

We have archived this page and we’re no longer updating the information on it. The schemes listed below may be out of date. Please see our Sandwell Energy Switch and Going greener pages for the latest useful information!

Energy saving has never been more important: to your business, to our region and to the world. We all need to do our bit to conserve energy, reduce carbon dioxide emissions and help prevent human-made climate change.

Becoming more energy efficient can have a positive impact on your profits too and ensure you are viewed more favourably by potential clients (read our page on social value).

Below are details of schemes to help your business lessen its impact on the earth and reduce your bills at the same time.

The Carbon Trust Green Business Fund
Carbon Trust LogoThis organisation provides energy-efficiency support, energy assessments and funding for SMEs in England, Scotland and Wales. Read more about the Green Business Fund or download the how-to guide on applying for a capital contribution: RSGF Brochure Final.

EnTRESS (Environmental Technologies and Resources Efficiency Support Services)
EnTRESS uses academic research to support Black Country SMEs with adopting environmental technologies and resource efficiency processes.  Learn more at the University of Wolverhampton website.

Industrial Energy Transformation Fund
This £315 million government fund will be launched in spring 2020 and aims to support businesses with high energy use to transition to a low carbon future. Find out how to contact the IETF team here.

Industrial Heat Recovery Program
This government programme helps businesses of any size to identify and invest in opportunities for recovering and reusing heat that would otherwise be wasted. The programme runs until March 2022. Find out more about the IHRP here.

Low Carbon SMEs
Free low carbon business support is available to businesses in the Black Country, plus opportunities to apply for capital grants of up to £12,250 (match funded). Visit www.smelowcarbon.co.uk for more information.

Sandwell Energy Switch
EnergySavingBusiness Sandwell CouncilThe Sandwell Energy Switch could cut hundreds of pounds from your gas and electricity bills. This applies to your home as well as your business. Read all about the Sandwell Energy Switch project here.

Also: don’t forget to source the goods and services you need locally, wherever possible, to lower your carbon footprint, help sustain jobs, and retain and recycle money in our region. Read our #madeinsandwell profiles to learn about the talent and diversity of businesses in Sandwell.

Do you have any energy saving tips for Sandwell businesses? Contact the Think Sandwell team today.

Page last reviewed in March 2021.
