Category: General A series of three mentoring workshops - Customer retention strategy workshop

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A series of three mentoring workshops - Customer retention strategy workshop


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A Series of Mentoring Workshops designed to support and help grow your business.
Monday 3rd October - Thursday 3rd November - Tuesday 6th December

The purpose of this series or mentoring workshops is to help your business, whatever its size and specialism, to grow and become more profitable. Businesses need firm foundations to succeed. Only companies with a stand-out marketing message, a solid sales process and robust office procedures will make the grade. These workshops will build on your passion for your product or service by ensuring business essentials are not only in place, but are working effectively for you – leading to better profits and a smoother-running operation.

The three mentoring workshops will develop your skills constructively through the series which take you on a strategic journey.

Mentoring Workshop Three - Tuesday 6th December – The Customer Retention Strategy
Now that you have a customer base what activities and actions can reduce customer defections and grow customer and brand loyalty

The series will be delivered by Doug Daubrey, the founder and Managing Director of Executive Training and Consultancy Limited. Since starting his business in management consulting eight years ago, Doug has helped more than 70 different companies across a variety of sectors in the UK and Europe. His tailored consultancy packages range from short-term project work to full 3-year company growth programmes, depending on the needs of each client.

Venue: Black Country Chamber Of Commerce, Creative Industries Centre, Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton, WV10 9TG

All three sessions are £30 + VAT members or £60+VAT for non-members

You can register to attend here

Black Country Chamber Of Commerce, Creative Industries Centr
Wolverhampton Science Park
Wolverhampton, WV10 9TG

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