Category: General AIM for the Black Country masterclass

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AIM for the Black Country masterclass


erdf (1)

Aimed at: SME Business owners or the person responsible for business tendering. Suitable for SMEs in industries where tendering is a crucial part of business growth.

AIM for the Black Country is a service being offered to Small & Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to enhance your growth and competitiveness. Through a partnership arrangement between the Black Country Chamber of Commerce, Black Country Growth Hub, Local Authorities, Black Country Consortium and the University of Wolverhampton you will be able to access a coordinated approach to a range of business support, advice and workshops. You can enter the programme through any of the aforementioned partners who will then manage the process from start to finish.

Workshop objective: Learn practical ways to increase your chances of having success when tendering for business.

Workshop trainer: Andrea Childs - Klick Business Solutions Ltd

This workshop is funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and there is no cost to eligible SMEs taking part in this programme. There is a small amount of paperwork required to assess eligibility and evidence actions and outcomes.

Venue: Wolverhampton Racecourse, Gorsebrook Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0PE

Free to attend

To express your interest please phone 0121 569 2121

Find out more about the AIM project here

Wolverhampton Racecourse
Gorsebrook Road
Wolverhampton, WV6 0PE

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