Category: General AMCASH launch event

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AMCASH launch event


Birmingham University

On Wednesday 22 November the University of Birmingham is hosting a networking event to launch its Advanced Materials Characterisation and Simulation Hub (AMCASH). This will take place at the School of Metallurgy and Materials in Birmingham.


Registration/lunch/networking 12.45pm – 1.25pm

Housekeeping 1.25pm – 1.30pm

Introduction and welcome – 1.30pm – 1.45pm Andy Schofield

Knowledge transfer – 1.45pm– 2.00pm Paul Bowen

Local business engagement

  • AMCASH –2.00pm-2.15pm
  • SMEs AMCASH experience / pitches – 2.15pm– 2.45pm
  • Other ERDF programmes – RM 2.45pm - 3.00pm
  • EPS - Sam H 3.00pm- 3.15pm

Tours: Polymer Technology, EMC, Modelling 3.15pm– 3.45pm

Expo and networking 3.45-pm -4.00pm– close

The School of Metallurgy and Materials
Elms Road
Birmingham , B15 2SE

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