Category: General Birmingham breakfast morning networking event at Aston University & Advanced Services

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Birmingham breakfast morning networking event at Aston University & Advanced Services


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The Breakfast Morning Networking event is located in East Midlands. The event is kindly hosted by a gold Made in the Midlands member - Aston University.

Working with Aston University to develop new technologies and processes can transform your business. Aston can offer advice about how to attract industrial and commercial research funding, provide information on student and graduate recruitment, as well as the specialist training on offer at Aston University through professional development programmes.

The Advanced Services Group is a centre of excellence at Aston Business School, Aston University in the UK. Providing education, training, research and a global network of like-minded professionals around advanced services and servitization. The Advanced Services helps global manufacturers and technology innovators to develop services-led strategies.

The event will be a morning networking session for Made in the Midlands members and a host of local manufacturing and engineering companies.

The event schedule is as following:

09:00 - Delegates arrive, networking over breakfast tea and coffee.

09:25 - Welcome from Made in the Midlands

09:35 - Welcome from Aston University: John Richards, Funding and Industry Partner, Research and Enterprise Office

09:40 - Introduction to the Advanced Services Group: Iain McKechnie, Director of Strategic Programmes, Advanced Services Group (ASG)

09:45 - Transformation of the manufacturing landscape - increasing margins through services.: Dr Megan Ronayne, Transformation Manager, ASG
09:55 - Q&A
10:00 - Opportunity to discuss 'Unlock your Insight' feedback with ASG team and networking
10am - Further networking
11am - Event closes

The Breakfast morning networking events have become very popular. Please make sure you have booked your tickets early. These events are a great chance to meet Made in the Midlands members, MD's and CEO's of the manufacturing businesses in the Midlands area.

Venue: Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET

FREE to attend

You can regsiter to attend here

Aston University
Aston Triangle
Birmingham, B4 7ET

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