Category: General Birmingham: Free 4 day business start-up workshop

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Birmingham: Free 4 day business start-up workshop

15/04/2019 18/04/2019

Kick off in business

Kick Off in Business is hosting a 4 day start-up workshop, covering the topics you'll need when starting your own business.

When? Monday 15 April - Thursday 18 April

Where? Changes UK, 9 Allcock Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B9 4DY

What time? 9.30am - 4.30pm

How much does it cost? It's free

Find out more and book here.

Have you seen what's in the latest Sandwell business news? Take a look at our news page for information on local projects, good news stories, funding opportunities and more.

Changes UK
9 Allcock Street
Birmingham, B9 4DY

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