Category: General Black Country business festival

Black Country business festival








The Black Country Business Festival is an annual, two-week festival of business events running across the whole Black Country region for the first time from 23rd April to 4th May 2018

The festival programme will be made up of hundreds of events, all put on by local businesses. Each event will benefit the people and businesses in the Black Country, and therefore help business growth, ultimately having a positive impact on the Black Country economy.

In essence, the business festival will showcase the colourful range of businesses that proudly make up the Black Country, combining existing, traditional industries with new and emerging key areas for growth within a packed festival programme.

Venues: Various

We will list various events on our calendar but to find out more about the Festival visit their site and for a full run down of all the events click here.

The Festival is proudly run in association with the Black Country Chamber of Commerce and managed by Associate Events Ltd. It is backed by like-minded commercial partners who share the same desire to see the region reach its full thriving commercial potential.

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