Category: General Cyber Security: How safe is your business?

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Cyber Security: How safe is your business?


The risk is real

Is your business and personal data secure?

On Tuesday 28  February, Wyre Forest Business Solutions Centre in partnership with North Worcestershire Economic Development & Regeneration are providing  you with an opportunity to attend an event that will:

  • Help you identify cyber threats
  • Explain threats and how to avoid them
  • Offer workable solutions to protect your business and personal data
  • Explain how you can help to maximise business continuity.

The event is targeted at SME’s in Wyre Forest with speakers from:

  • West Mercia Police
  • University of Wolverhampton
  • CyberGuard (OGL)
  • Sutcliffe & Co.


Free to attend

You can register to attend here

Wyre Forest Business Solutions Centre
Wyre Forest House
Finepoint Way
Kidderminster, Worcestershire,, DY11 7WF

More information

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