Category: General Developing the brand

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Developing the brand


Aston 4 AI9

In collaboration, Dr Keith Glanfield, Aston Business School and Harris Interactive have taken a long hard look at what makes a brand relevant and sustainable in a modern day context. The prevailing models for measuring brand effectiveness are largely based on examining indicators of past and present performance, and can fall short of telling brand managers anything about their brand’s future potential. What was a strong brand yesterday may still be strong today – but what does tomorrow look like? Will your brand still be as relevant?

Keith will present the thinking and research foundations behind the brand sustainability model, to address the question, “How sustainable is your brand?”. In revealing the results of the hi brands™ research study, the Harris Interactive team will share how measuring sustainability changes the way we think about category and sector success, along with how this new set of measures supports brand managers to manage and track future brand success.

Venue: Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET

FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham, B4 7ET

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