Category: General Employers breakfast at Sandwell Academy

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Employers breakfast at Sandwell Academy






Invites you to an Employers Breakfast meeting, hosted by the Careers and Industry Links Department and their Careers and Enterprise Adviser – David Woakes

The event is being held at Sandwell Academy on Thursday 26 January 2017.

7.30am Registration & Breakfast
8.00am – 9.30am Find out how you can play your part in “Influencing the Workforce of the Future”

Presentations by:

  • Simon Topper – Head Teacher Sandwell Academy
  • David Woakes – CEC Enterprise Adviser
  • An organisation currently working with Sandwell Academy – tbc
  • Richard Halstead – National Interim Membership Director for EEF

If you would like to attend you need to register by Monday 13th January 2017 by emailing

Sandwell Academy
Halfords Lane
West Bromwich , B71 4LG

More information

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