Category: General Growing your business through great leadership and team development

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Growing your business through great leadership and team development


Black Country Growth Hub

Seminar: Turn your staff into a dream team

Is your business to dependent on you being there all the time? Are you having to spend time correcting other peoples' mistakes and putting things right?

If so then this interactive seminar is for you. We will look at ways to: Engage your staff; Build a cohesive team; Recruit effectively; Improve your leadership skills and understand why team members behave differently.

Seminar: Turn your staff into a dream team

  • Your staff will make or break your business.
  • The business will only ever be as strong as the weakest team member.
  • Staff turnover is too high.
  • Everyone depends on me to make the decisions.
  • I can’t take any real time out of the business

If any of these statements apply to you then why not invest half a day learning how to get the most out of your direct and indirect team at our informative and interactive seminar?

What we’ll cover:

  • How to be an inspiring leader
  • How to build a great team
  • The six essential elements of a great team
  • How to recruit effectively
  • How to get the team less dependent on you
  • How to build a supportive and productive culture

Your presenter:

Simon has been coaching for the last nine years and has been involved with developing teams (of all sizes) for the last 25 years so he brings with him a wealth of experience.For more info please go to Simon's Linkedin page.

Venue: The Black Country Growth Hub, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 9RU, UK

FREE to attend

You can register your interest here

The Black Country Growth Hub
West Midlands, WV10 9RU,

More information

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