Category: General Launching Innovative Future Technologies

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Launching Innovative Future Technologies


Innovation birmingham logo

We are inviting startups, entrepreneurs, individuals and groups, industry and experts to take part in this competition.

Aim of the Challenge
The main aim is to pitch a business plan to a judging panel at the end of 3rd day of the challenge.

Overview of the Challenge
Day 1 โ€“ Attendees focus on idea generation and co-creating with their team
Day 2 โ€“ Attendees participate in interactive workshops and seminars which assist with developing their business idea i.e. Marketing, Branding and Business Plans
Day 3 โ€“ Attendees focus on pitching their ideas to the judges

If the judging panel deems your business concept to be viable, the successful team(s) will be invited to join our Serendip or Climate KIC programmes at Innovation Birmingham.

Venue: Innovation Birmingham, iCentrum, Birmingham, B7 4BP


FREE to attend

Register your interest here, in participating in the Launching Innovative Future Technologies (LIFT) 3 Day challenge to co-create future game changing green (environmental/sustainable) business plans.


Innovation Birmingham
Birmingham, B7 4BP

More information

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