Category: General Make your Retail Business Work for You

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Make your Retail Business Work for You


Black Country Growth Hub_Narrow

Combine a leading Walsall retail entrepreneur, one of the nation’s leading national retailers, and a marketing and finance consultancy with a free offer to retailers and you have the recipe for one evening of expert advice for every independent retailer and market trader in the borough.

A local retailer with a wealth of experience of trading in Walsall and developing allied businesses; and staff from Marks and Spencer, will share their experience and knowledge of customer service and use of visuals to promote the business.

In addition colleagues from the government backed ‘Get Set for Growth’ programme will be on hand to explain how their scheme can provide free consultancy support on the financial and marketing side of growing the business.

Venue: Committee Room Walsall Council, Walsall, West Midlands WS1 1TP

FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Committee Room
Walsall Council,
West Midlands , WS1 1TP

More information

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