Category: General Making diversity everyone's business

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Making diversity everyone's business


Birmingham University

On Friday 22 September the University of Birmingham invite you to attend a one day conference to share insights into their ground-breaking research, in collaboration with RCUK on diversity. The event will showcase leading international research on diversity, equality and inclusion.

You will hear from leading academics, policy makers and practitioners on how interdisciplinary research on diversity is helping shape policy learning:

  • Professor Una Martin, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor for Equalities, University of Birmingham
  • Hilary Reynolds, Executive Director RCUK and joint RCUK Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion
  • Professor Uduak Archibong, Director of Centre for Inclusion and Diversity, University of Bradford
  • Professor Angela Creese, MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism, School of Education, University of Birmingham Professor Zhu Hua, School of Social Science, History and Philosophy Birbeck University Of London
  • Professor Jenny Phillimore, Director of Institute for Research Into Superdiversity and Dr Lisa Goodson, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Kiran Trehan, Co-Director of the Enterprise and Diversity Alliance and Director of External Engagement, University of Birmingham Business School
  • A panel of corporate businesses, policy makers and minority entrepreneurs talking and sharing their experiences of how research led initiatives on mentoring. helped shaped diversity policy.

The conference will be interactive and of interests to academics, policy makers and practitioners. It provides a unique opportunity to share experiences, discuss emerging opportunities and challenges for research and policy makers committed to making diversity research everyone's business.

Venue: University of Birmingham, Nicolson Building, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT

Free to attend

If you would like to attend, you can follow this link to register

University of Birmingham, Nicolson Building
Birmingham, B15 2TT

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