Category: General Making tax digital event with HMRC

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Making tax digital event with HMRC


Black Country Chamber logo

Rob Marris MP, Emma Reynolds MP and Pat McFadden MP invite you to meet with representatives from HMRC to discuss government changes to the tax system through the Maxing Tax Digital plans and how they may affect your small or medium-sized business.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) plans include a requirement from April 2018 for businesses to maintain tax records digitally and to update HMRC quarterly. HMRC says that MTD will introduce "simple, secure and personalised digital tax accounts".

Consultations conclude on 7th November. This meeting is your chance to find out more and to discuss changes with HMRC.

Registration will run from 8am to 8.30am and teas and coffees will be provided.

Venue: Civic Centre, Committee Room 3, Civic Centre, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH


FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Civic Centre Wolverhampton
Committee Room 3
Civic Centre
Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH

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