Category: General Positive defiance: a deaf woman’s social enterprise journey

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Positive defiance: a deaf woman’s social enterprise journey


Birmingham University

On Thursday 23 November the University of Birmingham will be hosting a presentation from the Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture Jane Cordell.

Jane Cordell is one of the UK’s leading professional experts on deafness and disability issues in the workplace. She lost her hearing as a young adult but despite this setback rose to a senior position in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, where she received 4 national awards for her work with the Polish government on disability rights legislative reform.

A state school graduate of Cambridge and the Open University, Jane is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has worked as a professional musician, teacher, editor, British diplomat, Chair and trustee of several charities and social entrepreneur.

Venue: University Of Birmingham,Edgbaston,B15 2TT

Free to attend

If you would like to attend, you can follow this link to register


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University of Birmingham
Birmingham , B15 2TT

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