Category: General TITAN partnership STEM fair

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TITAN partnership STEM fair


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Supported by The BIG BANG Near Me Programme

Titan Partnership Ltd are proud to announce the 2016 STEM fair.

This is set to be an exciting year as we have the BIG Bang Near Me programme supporting us, so we hope to have really interesting projects and workshops this year.

Guest presenter Simon Watt is a biologist, writer, science communicator, comedian and TV presenter. TV presenter for Inside

Nature’s Giants, director of Ready, Steady,

Science and chairman of the Ugly Animal Protection Society. Simon will be bringing along his ugly animal roadshow.

titanbig bang

Companies include Jaguar Land Rover, Carillion, Learn By Design, Atkins Global Engineering, Black Country Atelier, BAM Construction & Daden Ltd

This is an amazing year for STEM, with Tim Peake arriving on the space station and new announcements and breakthroughs every day in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

If you are interested in getting involved to sponsor, participate or lead a workshop please email

Venue: Innovation Birmingham Campus, iCentrum, Holt Street, Birmingham, B7 4BP


FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Innovation Birmingham Campus
Holt Street
Birmingham, B7 4BP

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