Category: General Winning business in African Markets

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Winning business in African Markets


Black Country Chamber logo

Africa is increasingly proving a real opportunity for British Businesses. Over the past year many West Midlands businesses have secured export orders there and it has vast potential…

  • Six out of ten of the World’s fastest growing economies are African
  • In the next 40 years half of the world’s population increase will come from Africa
  • Africa’s consumer facing industries are expected to grow by more than £260 billion by 2020

‘Brand Britain’ is held in high regard throughout the continent and products from the UK are considered symbols of quality, tradition and style. British companies are in a unique position to tap into this market.

Meet The Experts
Meet with market specialists in a series of roundtable discussions to learn about export opportunities in the following 6 dynamic markets. Our specialist International Trade Advisers will also be available to offer export guidance and advice.

  • Nigeria - James Houston, UK Chairman, Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce
  • Ghana - Tony Burkland, CEO, British Chamber of Commerce, Ghana
  • Egypt - Iman al Sherif and Karin van Wesep, Egyptian British Chamber of Commerce
  • Morocco - Karim Benhaddou, Deputy General Manager, British Chamber of Commerce for Morocco
  • Kenya - Farida Abbas, CEO, British Chamber of Commerce, Kenya
  • Uganda - Willy Mutenza, Chair, Uganda UK Convention


  • 09:00 - 09:30: Registration
  • 09:30 - 09:40: Welcome and Introduction: Mark Sankey, Head of International Trade Team, Birmingham
  • 09:40 - 10:40: 6 minute market appetisers from our 6 market specialists and Q&A
  • 10:40 - 11:00: Coffee Break
  • 11:00 - 13:00: Round table market discussions market specialists above and pre-booked 1:1s with Gerti Willis, Culture and Communications Adviser and Anne Locket from UK Export Finance
  • 13:00 - 14:00: Networking Lunch
  • 14:00 - 15:00: Round table market discussions market specialists above and pre-booked 1:1s with Gerti Willis, Culture and Communications Adviser and Anne Locket from UK Export Finance
  • 15:00: Event Ends

Venue: GTG Training, Bearing Dr, Willenhall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV11 3SZ

FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

GTG Training
Bearing Drive
Wolverhampton, WV11 3SZ

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