Carbon Trust launches new energy saving fund

green-business-fundThe Carbon Trust has launched the Green Business Fund, designed to help small businesses replace old equipment, save money and boost productivity.

The new scheme is aimed at companies with fewer than 250 employees in England, Scotland and Wales. It will provide free assessments to help identify potential energy saving opportunities, as well as advice and guidance about how to go about finding and installing new equipment.

Eligible businesses can also apply for financial support towards the cost of an energy efficiency project, such as the installation of new heating or lighting systems. Only equipment and installers included in the Green Business Directory are covered by the scheme.

In addition, the Carbon Trust will be running workshops to help businesses with fewer than 50 employees find out more about the Green Business Fund and how it could support them in saving energy, lowering costs and running more efficiently.

While the fund’s main focus is on smaller companies, businesses with up to 1000 employees can also apply for information and support when upgrading equipment, such as help with feasibility checks, preparing specifications and tendering.

For more information about the Green Business Fund, email, call 020 7832 4773 or register your interest.