AME high: meet our #madeinsandwell Monday star business

This week’s #madeinsandwell Monday star is AME Pressure Diecasting, a manufacturer of zinc components based in West Bromwich.

AME Pressure DiecastingAME is a family business, operating since its foundation in 1999 from the Siddons Factory Estate. It produces products for customers from a wide variety of industries, including Parker Hannifin for JCB, e2v Technologies making magnetrons for the marine industry, and medical equipment manufacturers Clement Clarke and AFP Medical.

In the last three months alone, AME has gained four new customers and expanded into supplying spare parts for the motor industry, measuring equipment, seatbelt fixtures and fittings, mirrors for buses and coaches, and turn buckles for the electrical industry.

As well as supplying parts in a variety of decorative finishes, including passivates, paints, powder coats and chrome and brass lacquer plating, AME offers a free, no-obligation technical design/component consultancy service.

As a proud Black Country company and a strong supporter of business in the region, AME has no plans to move from its Sandwell base, where it benefits from close links to many of its suppliers and customers. Investment in staff development is key to the business’s success.

“Whenever possible, we employ local people,” explained managing director John Easthope. “We ensure they’re kept upskilled through individualised lifetime training plans and a policy of rotating daily duties, so that every day is different.”

AME is in the second stage of a 20-year business plan, which has led to an increase in the number of women on the senior management team. The company is also investing in its facilities with the help of a Black Country Transformational GOLD grant, replacing the current zinc foundry with more efficient and environmentally friendly diecasting machinery, thus increasing capacity.

AME has also installed aluminium diecasting facilities, offering a brand new range of services to new and existing customers and making this Sandwell company a one-stop-shop for pressure diecasting in our region.

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