COVID protection #MadeInSandwell thanks to MiGlass

A selection of close ups of social distancing screensThis week’s #MadeInSandwell Monday spotlight falls on local glass manufacturer MiGlass.

As we recently reported, MiGlass is helping in the battle against COVID-19 by producing social distancing screens for retailers across the UK and Europe.

Now the company has developed screens for the tops of desks that do not require drilling or permanent fixings, causing no damage to surfaces. The screens are made of glass, which is harder wearing and easier to keep clean than acrylic.

The specialist glass processor has listened to its customers’ needs to help them create COVID-safe working environments. MiGlass has already helped many businesses across the country to efficiently prepare for reopening and getting staff back into the workplace.

MiGlass usually specialises in decorative glass products for all markets, and provides turnkey solutions for flat glass processing needs. The company is used to making bespoke products for customers and so, when the demand arose, was able to rise to the challenge of producing social distancing screens in high volume.

Managing director Alan Taylor said: “We are delighted to be able to help our local economy get back on track and help ensure the safety of workers across the region. We have been involved in several large COVID-protection projects with a lot of product being exported to Europe.

“Sandwell has a long history of innovation and these difficult times provide opportunities to work together in a positive way.”

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