£3m for regional low energy projects

A bit of good news at this strange time: three projects in the West Midlands have secured £3m in government funding for projects aimed at reducing energy use.

The projects, in Coventry, Rugeley and Sandwell, are part of a national scheme investing £90m in nine low energy projects across the UK.

In Coventry, the money will be used to create a local energy market, attempting to move away from the traditional model of large, inefficient power stations. In Rugeley, the site of the former Rugeley Power Station will be transformed into an area of low-carbon housing, bringing smart energy to the town.

The Sandwell project will investigate the feasibility of the borough becoming home to a new ‘smart energy’ grid. This could potentially channel waste heat generated by industry into heating for homes and businesses, and even power for electric cars. Results from a study in Islington, London, will be applied to Sandwell to determine if a ‘green smart community integrated energy system’ could bring heat, power and transport together to create a balanced, low-cost, low-carbon energy supply across the borough.

Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, said: “As the birthplace of the industrial revolution, the West Midlands has a moral responsibility to lead the fight against climate change. I am delighted that the Government has recognised the region’s potential to lead the UK in these state-of-the-art carbon neutral technologies, and I am sure these three projects will help make a real difference to the climate change agenda both here in the West Midlands and across the country.”

Think Sandwell wishes all three projects well, and will be sharing updates from the Sandwell project as it evolves. To find out about other schemes designed to help your business lower its energy use, visit our Energy Saving For Businesses page.