£6.5m added to SME manufacturers’ growth fund

Manufacturing Growth Programme logoSME manufacturers are being urged to join the Manufacturing Growth Programme (MGP) to benefit from an extra £6.5m of support funding.

The programme, which is funded by ERDF and delivered by Oxford Innovation Services, aims to help SMEs recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future growth. The programme has been extended for a further two and a half years until December 2022 and allocated an extra £6.5m.

Firms that join the programme benefit from advice from industry experts, help to develop a business action plan, and the opportunity to apply for grants for initiatives such as environmental improvements, marketing, training and supply chain development.

Since its launch in October 2016, the Manufacturing Growth Programme has delivered over 4,700 improvement projects for more than 3,000 companies, creating over 4,000 local jobs and safeguarding hundreds more. To be eligible, businesses must be able to demonstrate an intention to grow or improve and a desire to increase productivity and competitiveness.

Both the Black Country LEP and Black Country Growth Hub are partner organisations, working with MGP to support local SMEs.

Martin Coats, managing director of MGP said: “Helping manufacturers is not easy and you need a tailored approach, delivered by experts who know what it is like working in industry. The Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), their local Growth Hubs and the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government have seen first-hand the value we add to firms in their respective areas and this has resulted in further commitment to support us for another two and a half years.”

Visit the MGP website to find out more and to join the programme. To find out how Think Sandwell can help support your business post-pandemic, visit our coronavirus support pages.