A brand new look that is #MadeInSandwell

CSCM logo with the text "For a connected World".Back at the start of 2020, Oldbury technology company CSCM Limited was looking forward to celebrating 25 years in business. It seemed like the perfect time to embark on a massive rebranding exercise. And then along came Covid-19.

Based on Wolverhampton Road, CSCM works with multinational companies from over ten countries to help them use technology to do business better. Since its foundation, it has continually grown and expanded, which has meant a number of moves to successive premises around the Black Country. A rebrand was planned, to include finding a more permanent base, overhauling the company website and creating a fresh new logo – all leading up to the firm’s 25th anniversary celebrations.

CSCM successfully applied for funding from the ERDF’s Aim for Gold business growth programme, supported by the Think Sandwell team, who helped with the application and worked closely with managing director Jude Thompson to develop a growth plan for the business. With guidance from an external company, CSCM then began an in-depth examination of the business – its core values, what it represents and where is should be heading. Employees and customers were involved in the process of creating a new image for the business to perfectly capture its identity as a technology company with innovative ideas and strong values. But when the UK went into lockdown, CSCM faced a difficult choice – put the project on hold, or continue under uncertain and unpredictable circumstances. They decided to carry on.

Many aspects of its own business were already adapted to working in lockdown – technological expertise, remote working practices, customers already using its Business Hive software with all data stored safely online. CSCM could therefore focus on supporting its customers to get their own companies into a similar position – sourcing equipment, developing new approaches and tackling issues as they arose. CSCM is proud of the part it has played in helping other businesses function at this challenging time, and supporting others to operate as close to normality as possible.

Meanwhile the rebrand project faced delays and hurdles, such as difficulties sourcing building materials. At one point, CSCM staff found themselves without a functioning workplace. But, nine months later, CSCM is now ready to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a brand new look, and to share its new building, branding and website with the world.

Jude: “It is amazing what the team and other local businesses have pulled together to accomplish during such challenging times. I was determined to work through this project and maintain as much normality as possible for my staff as I know how important it was to all of us. It was vital that we stayed connected and supported each other, whether in the office or not. The world is more connected every day, and so are we”.

#MadeInSandwell Monday is a celebration of the talent and diversity within our borough. If you’re interested in being considered for a #MadeInSandwell Monday profile and having information about your organisation shared on Think Sandwell and through Twitter, read this.