Bangladeshi Senior Civil Servants visit Black Country
A group of high ranking Civil Servants from Bangladesh are visiting the Black Country in September and October 2011. Based at the University of Wolverhampton they are looking for firms that are prepared to offer short placements during the fortnight 19th– 30thSeptember. They are involved in developing a number of important reform projects in Bangladesh including one to improve the working environment for female workers in the retail industry. They would benefit from the opportunity of visiting a company in the UK with a good proportion of female workers that has implemented positive working practices or a company that is good at self analysis and has undergone change and improvement following internal or external assessment. The duration of their visit is flexible, from an afternoon to a couple of days, and would include some time with your HR manager, Trade Union rep or female workers and an opportunity to view the working environment. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact Ben Delaney for further information.