Black Country discussed in Prime Minister’s Questions

Black Country Day logoBlack Country business was one of the topics discussed by the outgoing Prime Minister in his final Prime Minister’s Questions on 13 July.

The question was asked by Adrian Bailey, MP for West Bromwich West, who began by reminding a packed House that this week is Black Country Week. He then asked David Cameron if he would “impress upon the incoming Prime Minister the huge importance of maintaining access to the EU single market during Brexit negotiations in order that we can maximise the Black Country contribution to exports, productivity and jobs”.

Mr Cameron responded by talking about “a renaissance in manufacturing” in the automotive sector, which has contributed towards there being 173 thousand more people in work in the West Midlands.

He went on to affirm his belief that “proper access to the single market… is going to be one of the things we’ve absolutely got to focus on” and that “access to Europe is going to be vital”.

If you would like to view the exchange, you can watch it on the BBC’s iPlayer here until June 2017. Mr Bailey asks his question at 29 minutes and 40 seconds into the programme.

Celebrate Black Country Day today (14 July) by tweeting about your company, colleagues or products using the hashtag #MadeInTheBlackCountry. More information about the Black Country Festival can be found here.