Boost staff wellbeing: Thrive at Work event

Thrive at Work logoThrive at Work is a free workplace wellbeing programme that has been developed by West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and is being offered by Midlands Engine Mental Health and Productivity Pilot (MHPP) and Health Education England to help workers in the Midlands to feel healthier and more productive.

The Mental Health and Productivity Pilot, funded by Midlands Engine, is a partnership of Midlands universities, local authorities and the mental health charity Mind, set up to help Midlands employers of all sizes, to improve workplace mental health and wellbeing and improve productivity.

The Thrive at Work programme empowers employers to take a proactive approach to build employee and organisational resilience. It can help organisations to cut staff sickness absence, improve engagement and retention of workforces.

Sandwell businesses are being invited to join an interactive session on Thursday 25 February to find out more about this free programme. The event takes place online from 2-3pm.

Register for the event here.

Since the Covid outbreak businesses have been impacted in ways that have never been experienced before – not just through their usual business operations but also in how their staff are coping with this unprecedented pandemic.

Staff wellbeing has always been vital to the success of a business as poor wellbeing can lead to high levels of absence and staff turnover, impacting on productivity and profitability, but now more than ever looking after staff wellbeing is imperative for employers.

Thrive at Work has been developed as a free support programme for businesses right across the region with the aim of helping them to support their employees with easy-to-achieve, practical measures ensuring their wellbeing. In turn this boosts productivity, staff retention and business resilience.

To find out more about the programme visit Thrive at Work or attend the upcoming event on Thursday 25 February. Alternatively, you can contact the team by emailing or calling 0121 214 7861.

Visit our Sandwell workplace wellbeing page for more resources for nurturing a healthy workforce. You can also visit our mental health and wellbeing page in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.