Bridging the gap between academia and industrial practice for SMEs

MTCThe Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) is a purpose-built facility in Coventry providing an environment for the development and demonstration of new technologies on an industrial scale.

Its focus is to bridge the gap between academia and industrial practice by developing and proving innovative manufacturing processes and technologies in a low risk environment, in partnership with industry, academia and other institutions.

The MTC’s research partners include the University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham, Loughborough University and TWI Ltd. Its members include global manufacturing companies but its areas of expertise are relevant to both large and small companies across a wide range of industry sectors.

The centre has access to 50 per cent match-funded support from Innovate UK specifically for SMEs, to encourage them to engage with new technology and innovation. If an SME invests in five days of support from the MTC up to a further five days of funded support may be available. If an SME invests in additional support, again matching days may be funded.

Innovate UK (formerly the Technology Strategy Board) is a Government agency that works with companies and partner organisations to find and drive science and technology innovations to grow the UK economy. The MTC is part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult which is supported by Innovate UK.

The MTC brings together some of the country’s leading academics, engineers and industry professionals. It operates some of the most advanced manufacturing equipment in the world and this alongside its team of highly skilled engineers creates a high quality environment for the development and demonstration of new processes and technologies on an industrial scale.

The centre focuses on delivering bespoke manufacturing system solutions for its customers. It has a range of technology themes that are an integral part of its Core Research Programme and these technologies are often combined to create the best possible outcome for its customers’ challenges.

The core themes are:

  • Design and simulation
  • Metrology and NDT
  • Robotics and autonomous systems
  • Manufacturing informatics.

For further information about the MTC visit its website. For more information about funding and other business support services available visit our Business Services page.