Broadband Connection Voucher scheme

Your business could get a grant of up to £3,000 to upgrade to faster, better broadband through the Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme. The scheme provides grants of up to £3,000 to cover the capital and equipment costs of upgrading your broadband connection. You pay the VAT charged and the monthly line rental to your service provider. The monthly costs vary by provider and package, but a quarter of businesses pay £40 per month or less. The scheme has been launched in 50 cities across the UK. It is administered by the cities through over 600 registered suppliers.








Benefits to your business as a result of faster, better broadband include:

  • Growing and accessing new markets through better communication with customers and suppliers
  • Increasing security through fast secure back-up of data
  • Increasing productivity and improving customer service through faster upload and download speeds
  • Upgrading your broadband will also help to future-proof your business for the digital challenges of tomorrow





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